Saturday, April 14, 2007

A non-stop week

The weather in the UK this week has been extremely good, which is unusual in two ways. Firstly it's April and usually it rains. Secondly, it's a school holiday and usually it rains. I've worked only two days this week, burning some of my admittedly pretty good vacation package which has left plenty of time for more escapades to keep the kids out of trouble.

On Wednesday, we were back at the Wrekin, introducing some friends to the hill which they hadn't managed to get to despite living in the area for 7 or 8 years. So another ice-cream fuelled climb after which my knees started complaining, mainly because of the descent. Here are a couple of shots from the top, firstly the toposcope:

And my eldest daughter resting at the trig point ...

On Thursday, we went up into Cheshire to visit Beeston Castle which the kids always love, especially as there is a farm nearby which makes it's own ice-cream in loads of flavours, which is a nice treat. Mine was apple pie and custard. Mmm.

This was a shoddy photo I took of the castle from the ice-cream farm.

It was a bit hazy.

After this we drove to the Delamere forest, which I'd never been to before, to see what it's like. It turned out to be a very pleasant place for a nice gentle walk in the woods.

Meanwhile, on the running front, things have been steady and good. Wednesday and Friday were both repeats of Mondays 30 minutes non-stop, and with no real problems - my ankle grumbled a bit, but only for an hour or two, so I'm hopeful that this is going to be a good base from which to move on from.

What to do next, I'm yet to decide and could still do with a nudge towards either longer distances or improving pace. Or whatever. Advice would be gratefully received!

Wed: 3.22 miles, 30 minutes 9:20 pace. 4C
Fri: 3.20 miles, 30 minutes 9:23 pace. 7C (back in shorts again!!)

All the best.

Mr Stumble.


Neese said...

Hi Andy, I always forget you are new to running, I don't know why that is.. but anyway it sounds like you are doing well, have you entered a race yet? It sounds to me that might be your next step and may inspire you to know what to do next

Phil said...

Andy ... Ice Cream fueled hiking with the family is always fun. Great set of pictures.

I'd suggest that you get a couple of weeks under your belt of running 30 minutes non-stop 3 days a week before you start moving up. The other two days, I suggest that you scale back to run/walk for the other 2 days / week on your running calendar. You want to give your ankels a shot a getting use to this non-stop running thing before you start moving up.

Always remember that you've got plenty of time. I couldn't run an mile non-stop until I was 47 and you're a long way from there.

Good luck