Monday, April 09, 2007

*** 30:0 ***

It's what we call a Bank Holiday today, essentially a day off for everyone, unless you work in a DIY / home improvement store or any place selling garden plants and ornaments.

Thankfully, I don't work in either, so have planned today to continue our spring odyssey around the local hills with a visit to the Clent Hills, South of Birmingham. But before any of that, there was the small matter of 3 miles to get in first.

So with the nation taking a lie-in I stood outside the house at 7:15 busily programming Mr Garmin in a totally new way. No more of these run walk intervals, I want automatic 1 mile lap pacing and a 30 minute "your done" alarm. Caution? Wind? Pah!

It may have been a beautifully bright morning, but the fog remaining in my head made this task a bit longer than expected. However, I hit the road after this minor delay and just kept going, keeping the pace as controlled as I could as I followed the flatter course I've been using for the past few weeks.

There was a little discomfort towards the end in the old plantar fascia, but I don't think any damage has been done. I'll use a bit of ice over the next 2 days as I need it.

However, the deed is done. Only 346 days to complete my C25K. At this rate, I'll be ready for a Marathon in about 8 more years. Actually, that suddenly looks optimistic when I look at it.

Of course, what this means is that the goal is met. I will shortly need a new one, although I plan for the moment to establish this 30 minutes as a base for a week or two, before adding anything further or trying to improve my pace. My guess is a little more distance is the better approach, but I wouldn't mind some advice on this.

Mon: 3.09 miles, 30 minutes 9:45 pace. 4C

At this point, I think I need to thank Thomas for giving me a kick up the arse. You were right, and I needed it

Following this momentus occasion, the family headed off to the Clent Hills where we had a pleasant walk around the paths, which were quite busy as they were running an Easter egg hunt. From the viewing point (the big blue starry thing in the middle of the map linked above) I took this photo looking North West towards The Wrekin, where we were a couple of days ago. You can just make it out on the horizon in the photo,

It's there, hazily merging into the clouds just right of centre, on the horizon. We could also see the Long Mynd further West, The Clee Hills (a future expedition) South West and the Malverns to the South.

If you do plan on coming to the UK and seeing the countryside (or perhaps you are already here!), there is a mapping service which allows you to view and print small sections of detailed maps so you can plan routes ahead. The service is at Ordnance Survey and is called Get-a-map. Very useful. This is the one I used today, starting in the car park by "Nimmings Plantation"

All the best.

Mr Stumble.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Congratulations!! Great post. Your rate of progress reminds me of my own! Just brilliant that you did the whole 30. I laughed out loud at your estimate re: when you'll be ready to run a marathon - I'll be about 20 years behind you!