Saturday, April 07, 2007

Shropshire hills

School holidays are upon us here and the kids are already a week into their Easter habit of driving D mad. I've taken a little time off to ease the burdon a little, so yesterday we all piled into the car and headed for a little adventure, in the Shropshire hills. Target on Thursday was the Stiperstones (sty - per - stones) which I haven't been to for for a very long time.

Stiperstones is part of the Shropshire Way walking route but we were only planning a small incursion to determine the lay of the land and consume a picnic.

It was a beautiful sunny day, hazy in the distance but glorious all the same.

Here we have part of the ascent, my son taking the lead....

Manstone rock .....

... and my son atop said rock ...

Stiperstones has an incredibly rough and stony trail, so after lunch, we abandoned and went across to the Long Mynd, to the East. This is a long ridge, stretched out North-South-ish and home to the Midlands gliding club, with both fixed wing gliders ...

.. and parascenders ....

... and some cracking countryside ...

... that being the lovely town of Much Wenlock in the background.

As you may have noticed, I took the opportunity to update my own blogger photo too.

This morning, I got in a further 3.1 miles, moving forward to run 25, walk 1, run 5. So I'm very nearly there. I'll see how I feel on Monday as to whether I dispense with the walk this end of the week. Having got this run in, I then took the kids off to the Wrekin in the afternoon. The Wrekin is a local hill from which our local telly signals are broadcast. It's a 977 foot climb from the car park and my four year old daughter walked from bottom to top assisted only by a Smarties ice-cream half way up. Amazing. She's such a tough kid for someone so small.

Fri: 3.10 miles, 30 minutes, 25,5:1 run:walk 9:42 pace. 5C

All the best.

Mr Stumble


Neese said...

beautiful photos, sounds like a refreshing weekend, and your 5k pace is fantastic!

Phil said...

Great pictures (especially the kids). I've never heard of Stiperstone (I lead a sheltered life), but I'll have to check out this area the next time I get to England with some time on my hands.

Congrats on the great run. You are oh-so very close to your 30 minute run. Great job.