Back at home, physio seems to be going OK at the moment and my ankle is feeling pretty good. The exercises I have now are a little odd - I have to stand on one foot (the bad one) and then dribble a soccer ball in a circle around that foot. I actually dribble an imaginary soccer ball as I'm so bad a football I'd only end up having to stop and fetch the ball every 10 seconds. Also, the only half-descent ball we have is in a shed defended by our new moat, courtesy of recent heavy rain.
I'm finding that the exercise really demonstrates how much my foot needs to re-learn about balance - it's been protecting the ligaments by shifting some of that work around, but the balancing on one foot exercise needs that ligament to do it's stuff. Hopefully it's starting to build strength again now.
My weight is currently down by 2 or 3 pounds on when I last ran. I guess this is down to to muscle atrophy effect Phil was talking about recently. I know I've lost a lot of what little form I had, and I'm needing more sleep at night now. Hopefully I can keep the weight off and get some fitness back over the next 2 weeks...
... because the good news is that my running starts again tomorrow morning. I plan a nice easy 2 miles shakedown and then probably a couple of 3 milers by the end of the week. However, nothing is set in stone as I don't know how bad things have got.
I shall once again be accompanied by Music as D and I bought each other iPods for our wedding anniversary this week. Tradition would have this as our "ivory" anniversary, but we feel that iPods are a much more environmentally acceptable and useful gift to give these days. Perhaps this will start a trend. "Save an elephant. Buy an iPod." You heard it here first.
The clippy arrangement works really well, so I'm very hopeful it won't fall of my shorts tomorrow.
Hope all is good with you.
Mr Stumble.
Hope all is good with you.
Mr Stumble.
i don't know where to comment first, I really enjoy reading your blog entries I wish I could tell you somehow where at each point I laugh, nod, give a quizzical look or just genuinely smile... I'll just say the i'm glad you'll be back to running soon, and i love the anniversary gifts, as a matter of fact my husband and I gave each other an Apple gift for our anniversary as well! :) We are hoping it is here by Friday, when the actual anniversary date is
Those ipods are so cute and small! AAAWWWW!
And about your first paragraph: we were travelling through Italy when 911 happened and knew nothing about it till about 12 hours later?!
Congrats on your anniversary. I started a new blog instead of trying to fix my feed. It was a pain! Check it out I Live To Run (2.0)
Some times I wish we could import a few Brits to give us a lesson on how to deal with terrorism. You have a group of wacked out bombers failed to detonate two car bombs on the streets of London and our government bumps up the security at our Airports. Our news is full of our terrorized publick telling the talking heads on TV how much safer they feel now that it takes 3 hours to check in for an airplane flight. All the while, you folks are taking names and kicking butts and not getting overly riled up.
Yeah thats some summer you're having alright!. Hope the runs went okay this week.
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