Friday, July 13, 2007

Getting hip.

Apologies to all for my dearth of entries for the past 2 weeks. I changed job on 1st July (in the same company) and promptly found myself travelling up and down this fair isle of ours, getting to know the inside of my car and the view along the West Coast train line more than I cared for. However, the interference with my running has only been minor from the job perspective, other things have happened ...

It was such a surprise how much my legs degenerated over just two weeks off. I knew that I'd need to take things easy, so on Monday (last week!) I set myself an easy 2 miles shakedown to see how things were.

Things seemed not bad' although my left hip still hurts after the 10k 2 weeks previously. So for Wednesday, I planned on a 30 minute easy run. However, on Wednesday morning, I found myself on a 3 hour car trip to Basingstoke with an early start, all day meetings then a dash back to chair the committee for the local scout group.

I finally got time to run just after 9pm and didn't want to loose the opportunity so headed out for my planned 30 minutes. My hip continued to ache for a mile or so and then settled down, but then at just over 2 miles, my right calf started cramping up. It was runnable, so I jogged home, but with little improvement by Friday, I ditched that run and iced and rested up.

I went to see my physio that Friday and she said to me "do you think you're not actually built for running ...?" but I dismissed this on the basis that nearly everyone I know as runners (that's you) run with pain at one time or other, and I've managed pain free before. The rest I took to help my ankle has simply shifted my aches and pains around. Its not going to stop me!

Monday came, so with the calf feeling twitchy but alrightish, I headed out for another easy 2 - a period of acclimatisation seeming necessary. With both hip and calf now giving me some pain, but not as bad as the previous Wednesday, I've started taking glucosamine as a supplement to try and help the hip and been doing more regular stretching to try and ease the calf.

I had planned to meet up with a local club run on Wednesday evening as an intro, but as I had another 6 hours in the car down and up the country, I wasn't back in time. I do think joining a club would be good for me, so it's on my list of things to do. Having left early and arrived home late, my Wednesday run got ditched. Thursday saw me back in London, but I got away at a reasonable time and managed a run after the kids were all in bed. This one was planned as another easy 2 miles to see how my calf was shaping up - hip pain being a given for the moment. With 2 miles under my belt and everything loosening up nicely, I added another easy mile on with no calf pain. I was very pleased with that and I think for the moment, 3 miles may stay my target distance whilst I try to get my hip sorted out.

If it's not one thing, it's another!

My ankle now feels a lot better and so my course of physiotherapy has stopped - I just need to take the time to get regular daily stretching in. Of course, if I end up back at my doctor with my hip and get a referral, it will be months again before I get an appointment.

Training for last 2 weeks.

Mon:2.1 miles, 20:05 minutes 9:35 pace. 13C HRAve:xxx HRMax:xxx
Wed: 3.22 miles, 30:01 minutes 9:19 pace. 13C HRAve:158 HRMax:168
Mon: 2.21 miles, 21 minutes 9:31 pace. 11C HRAve:135 HRMax:156
Thu: 3.03 miles, 29:06 minutes 9:37 pace. 16C HRAve:158 HRMax:177

Hope all is well with you!

Mr Stumble.


Neese said...

you have come to settle in on an impressive average pace... i'd love to get to the point that I'm always at least in the 9's. Nice work.

Phil said...

Humans were built to run. Some run better than others, but you continue to do great. 18 months ago you couldn't run a mile with out get winded. Just look at you now.

Bruce said...

I don't know how you even fit the running it after all that traveling. Well done though for getting out there and sticking at it. You're right ,we all have our niggles to deal with.