Sunday, March 25, 2007


Last weekend I planned out a new course to something a bit less hilly. Not that I'm running up Everest or anything like that, but I'm not doing myself any favours by stressing my ankles, and this in turn might be holding me back from my main goal of just running for the whole 30 minutes.

The new course also has the benefit of not including a fairly fast and busy dual-carriageway road, so my risk of coming off worse in a runner vs. car bout has been reduced.

Last Monday morning was one of those days where you really feel like not running. It had snowed overnight and the pavements and roads were slushy - half melted snow holding together pools of ice cold water.

On top of that, I just felt like crap and my right calf was mooing achingly, even before I set out. However, once I'd dragged myself downstairs and out into the bright and sunny morning (0C, 32F), I was determined to battle on through.

I ended up over-compensating for feeling rough and completed the course much faster than I had intended and average 9:27 pace with the first mile under 9:00. With the slushy surface, any slight mis-step (and there were plenty) would send a jet of water from the sole of one foot straight onto the front topside of the other one. The foot-freezer-effect would then set in for a few hundred yards, but I was surprised how rapidly my feet warmed and dried out after each splash landing.

My calf continued to moo all day, but was much improved by Wednesday, another cold and sunny morning, -2C (28.5F). Although below freezing, the ground was dry with no ice, and I felt great on return, having managed to control my pace better. So on Friday, it was time to move up to 11,11,8 minute run segments and see how that felt. It felt pretty good.

So my plan now is to run 11,11,8 tomorrow then 13,13,4 for the remainder of the week hitting 15,15 a week Monday. I do think this flatter course is going to make a big difference. I should have done this months ago!

Training for last week:

Mon 3.18 miles, 30 minutes, 10:1 run:walk 9:27 pace. 0C
Wed 3.11 miles, 30 minutes, 10:1 run:walk 9:39 pace. -2C
Fri 3.14 miles, 30 minutes, 11,11,8:1 run:walk 9:34 pace. 5C

All, the best.

Mr Stumble.


Neese said...

inclines hurt my ankles too, I like the "moo" in reference to an aching calf, I'd never heard that before!

Thomas said...

I'd say you're well ready to try and ditch the walking breaks. With all your recent training your fitness should cope easily. It's the mind that might need convincing.

The Evernoter said...

Thomas - I know after all this time the walking must seem a bit daft, but I also know how my ankle blew up last time and stopped me from running altogether.

I am being cautious, partly because I'm not planning to run an Ultra soon ;) and partly because having got in the habit of spending 30 minutes running, 3 times a week I don't want anything to stop me.

That said, I'm encouraged by your assessment and will try to ditch those breaks over the next 2 weeks.


Phil said...

Dump the hills if they are hurting your ankles. You need to get yourself running none-stop for 30 minutes to move on. You're smart of keep focused on your objectives.