Thursday, February 01, 2007

Notes from a Stumble.

Apologies for falling into the "blog hole" for more than a week. Since I ran on Wednesday last week, I've been worried about this ankle again. The sore tendon is back, and I think it's the extra minute that did it.

So I took a whole week off and it got marginally better. Yesterday, Wednesday, I went out again, and held it back to 8 minutes and a very easy pace. It loosened up around half way round, and since has sat there - not so much aching, but in a pre-ache. Hard to explain.

I've finally been to the GP for another physio referral, but that won't be for a while now. Next week, I'm spending the whole week at a training establishment, next to Wembley stadium. No it's not soccer training! The hotel has a gym, so I'll be probably trying out an elliptical trainer if they have one, and if it's any good may get one myself.

Being none impact, it should be better for me, but I do hope to get a run round the stadium if I can at least one morning.

Meanwhile, planning another run tomorrow, and hopefully a more rapid post.

All the best.

Wednesday 2.35 miles 24 minutes @ 8:1 10:13 pace

Mr Stumble.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Best of luck with that eliptical machine. You can build up a good sweat on one and it has zero impact. Unfortunately, it does nothing to exercise your calf muscles. They are just along for the ride.

Good luck.