Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stumble status. March 2009.

Sitemeter tells me that there are still some of you out there keeping an eye on my RSS feed. So here an update on whats happening in my life:

Running. I've had my longest ever injury free period of running. So that's sure to jinx that! Strangely, this has coincided with starting to use the Nike+ Sportband I bought back in September 08, so maybe there are some other secret protective whizzy functions in there (now that would be worth paying money for). Alternatively, it might just mean that I'm taking things relatively easy and not overly worrying about it all.

My pace has improved over that time, from averaging 9:44 pace in October in averaging 9:08 pace now, all without doing very much new. However, my last run did include something new - I've started adding in some short 100 to 200 meter bursts of speed - something like a 7:30 pace - to see how that helps and to add in a little more interest to my regular circuits.

In terms of distance, I've really just kept it at 3 to 3.5 miles over winter, aiming for a weekly total of 10. And I've managed that in the main - a few weeks I've only done 2 runs rather than 3, but they have been the exception. However, I've now got a couple of goals in mind, the Stourbridge Stumble 10K in June of course - how could I miss that - and a half Marathon as part of the Wolverhampton Marathon in early September. With both these in mind, I'm increasing my circuit distances very gradually, starting Friday last week with a 4 miler.

As work has me in London for a couple of days each week, the weather is now a bit better and mornings lighter, I've started sampling the delights of running in some of Londons large parks. Last week was in Hyde Park and next week I've a run scheduled on Tuesday in Regents Park, which is pretty close to my hotel. All assuming that all-hell doesn't break loose early in the week with the impending G20 and its counterpart demonstrations.

Work. Just really, really busy. And it looks like remaining so for the next 9 months. On the plus side, this should see me through the worst of the recession. On the negative, it would be nice to get some respite from it all, having worked at a sustained higher pace - 22 months now - than ever before.

GTD and other fads. I'm still interested in GTD as a means to just trying to keep my head above water. I'm partly implementing it, but I know my rate of input of tasks exceeds my ability to complete those tasks. At least I have a better idea about which of the balls-in-the-air I'm letting fall. Blogging, sadly, has been one. I have replaced it to a degree with Twittering though. Got Steven Covey's "Seven Habits ..." as an Audible freebie about a month ago, and although I found the man's voice initially annoying, there's probably a fair amount I can take from those habits. I aslo found, strangely, that he was no longer annoying once I knew what he looked like. What's that about?

Current Podcasts listened to / watched (generally as an accompaniment to some other chore; driving, early trains, washing up ...):
  • Dawn and Drew
  • Phedipidations
  • You look Nice Today
  • Macbreak Weekly
  • CryptoGram
  • Robert Llewellyn's Carpool
  • Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews (my favourite)
  • Friday Night Comedy from the BBC
  • Rocketboom
  • Running from the Reaper
  • 4 Feet Running
  • 43 Folders
  • GeekbriefTV
Tech. Still hanging on to my old Palm 750V phone. It was a nice freebie from Microsoft and still does what I need it too, especially as I now am playing around with Evernote mobile and some Twitter clients. Still, a little under powered now. Lovin' my MacBook, which is now nearly a whole year old. Bought a second hand Canon 350D SLR off eBay a couple of months ago and am enjoying taking higher-def crappy photos with that. Some day, I will improve.

My iPod shuffle 2G remains a constant companion, but has started to act wierd with podcasts. It started putting them at the end of my playlist, rather than the start which is a real pain in the *rse - and no end of resetting and synching in different priority orders has worked. So, I'm listening to more music as a result and I think a replacement for my old 20GB iPod 4G brick may be in order, with a new Nano over the coming months.

Other. Need a new car, but am also saving for that rainy day - just in case. We'll just have to see whether the-right-deal emerges alongside the-right-finances. Am taking up sailing again this year and am looking for a 2nd hand Lark dinghy. Should be dusting off the wetsuit again fairly soon though.

So, that about wraps this update up. I'll try to keep more up-to-date with your own goings on over the next few months.

Mr Stumble.


Phil said...

Hi Andy ... nice to see that you made another post. You can find me in FaceBook under or Phil Talley

Most of our blogging buddies have migrated to Facebook by now. You can also find me on Twitter under ArizonaPhil. Hope to see you on one or the other soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi andy, just wanted to know how to contact you?thanks