Saturday, February 16, 2008

Elliptic Curve.

February already? Where does it go? Time for a quick status report.

Achilles injury: there is still a dull ache in the tendon in the morning before it warms up a bit from walking around. I can feel that there has been some thickening of the tendon, so it must have torn and now needs a bit of care.

This has meant I am still not running, but did buy myself a nice elliptical trainer off eBay a few weeks ago. This is now installed in my downstairs office and I’m now using it three times a week. The model I got is a pretty solid, robust monster, which thankfully folds up so it doesn’t block up doorways when not in use. It has generated some interest within the immediate family, and my son has had a brief go on it – he likes the display which tells him how fast he’s going – and D has even mentioned (in a non-committal don’t-even-think-about-pressuring-me kind of way) that she might give it a go once she is through her current spate of colds.

We have all had a series of colds over the past month brought in mainly by D from a local school where she does some volunteer work at the moment. Schools are just factories or pestilence, especially this time of year. The teachers tell her that after a few years you build up a resistance to it, but in the meantime we get everything that passes through that school.

So, the Elliptical is working out fine, and when I’m working away, I’ve found a hotel with a similar unit to maintain the schedule. Currently, I’m simply aiming to maintain a 30 minute session getting my HR to around 145-150. Two months off running plus Christmas had left me in a sorry state. And so far I'm keeping to schedule.

The first couple of sessions were not too easy. I managed to go for 10 minutes, then staggered off for some fluids and a short sit down before getting back on for another 5 minutes. but pretty quickly, within a week, I was handling 30 minutes of consistent exercise and was fiddling with the various settings. I tried a programme that sadistically increased the tension for the equivalent of 5 hills over the exercise period, and decided that it was too soon for that sort of thing.

Now having completed week 3 on the elliptical I've started racking up the tension a bit so I get an easy start and finish, and build towards a 5 minute section at a level 3 or 4, admittedly out of 8. However, it's fine for me, and as my very cheap HRM chest strap transmitter is magically compatible with the elliptical, I can adjust the tension as I improve to keep me in the right HR zone.

What else is going on? Just bought a big family tent and am planning a couple of camping excursions with the kids this summer. Looking forward to that! Ben doing a bit of walking. Got a couple of photos to share with you here.

A Spanish Chestnut tree near Croft Castle. This is one of a line of trees reputedly grown from nuts that came from the wrecks of the Spanish Armada in 1592.

Kingswood Park, near Kinver, Staffordshire.

Also, trying to get my life a bit more organised with this Getting Things Done thing. It does actually seem to be working for me (must add "do blog" to my todo lists though!) and am enjoying listening to Merlin Mann over at 43folders, who has an interesting take on all this.

Hope all is well with you.

Mr Stumble.

1 comment:

Phil said...

That eliptical machine will do you a lot of good. Happy to hear that you are the road to a healthy cardio-vascular system again (I may need to borrow it).

Are those pics of the trees for real? They look like something straight out of a horror film.