Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bunny hops.

It's been an odd week. I needed to finish last week with a reasonable mileage as I had missed my mid week run. Thus I ran on Sunday and got in 2.5 miles and then ran again on Monday - my first run on sequential days - and got in 5 miles.

I'm not too sure that I like running without a rest day, but it's probably something I'll have to get used to - and hopefully enjoy in the coming months.

On the Monday run, as I approached my 3 mile marker along a suburban road I noticed a fairly sizable white domestic rabbit sat in someone's front garden munching on their perennials. It noticed me at about the same time and after assessing my sweaty frame for a moment made a mad dash back across the road and through a gap in a wrought iron gate which I suspect was home. This looked like a bunny who had done this sort of thing before (we have one just like it, only smaller and gray), and it's owners probably didn't realise that their gate wasn't up to the job. So I'll keep a lookout for it, and if we get a repeat, I might go knock on some doors to let them know.

On Tuesday, D developed a nasty cold and sore throat, and retired to bed Tuesday evening, not to emerge until today Thursday morning. This essentially blitzed Wednesday for running, and I got a bit of an earful this morning for sneaking out early for 4 miles, but not early enough to be back in time for my youngest daughter getting up. This is the cue for everyone to get up, regardless of the day and D would certainly have preferred to stay in bed again. More bridges to rebuild!

So the summary for the latest batch of runs:

Sun: 2.56 miles, 22:37 minutes 8:51 pace. 13C HRAve:156 HRMax:X
Mon: 5 miles, 45.28 minutes 9:06 pace. 10C HRAve:149 HRMax:156
Thu: 4 miles, 37:59 minutes 9:30 pace. 9C HRAve:140 HRMax:156

Monday felt like I was running a 10 minute pace - just horrible - but turned out I was kind of where I planned to be. Today felt like I was running an 11 minute pace through treacle with all sorts of twinges in my legs. As you can see it was a lot slower than Monday, probably down to a late night Wednesday as my brother came round, and then an early morning.

Hope all is well with you.

Mr Stumble.


Phil said...

For some reason, Blogger is defaulting to NO COMMENT mode. Don't know why, but i've had to republish my last several posts in order to turn on comments.

Excessive Technology creep is the bane of us all, driving in no small part by our friends in Redmond Washington who know that can continue to sell us more and more crap and we will continue to buy it.

Glad you didn't show up for the all female race. You probably would have figured out that something was different when you toed the line.

Good luck in next race.

Phil said...

I was just taking a look at your favorite movie list. It is uncanny

American Beauty - I predict that this movie will be taught in graduate film courses for decades to come

Fight Club - As good as the move was, you need to read the book

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Never saw it; now on my list

Vanilla Sky - I had completely forgotten about this movie; thanks for reminding me

Blade Runner - another American Classic

Ferris Beuller's Day Off - Why is this stupid little movie on everyone's list. I watch it every chance I get

American History X - Never seen it, will rent it as soon as possible based on your recommendation.

Amelie - You couldn't have picked a movie closer to my heart. I watch and re-watched this movie. I can't get eneough of it. Since it is on your list, you already know that the real title is: Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain. Why "they" had to shorten it for the English Version, I don't know. I still hit the floor everytime I see the scene near the beginning of the film when Ameile looks into the camera and utters a single word, "quinze".

Great list ... couldn't add much to it other than "The Wizard of Oz", "A Series of Unfortunate Events", "Leaving Las Vegas", "Raising Arizona", and "Pink Flamingos", "The Hours", The River Wild" (Sorry, I'm a big Meryl Streep fan).