Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Winter blues.

A poor week for running. I am doing a lot of travelling at the moment and the idea of getting up extra, extra early to run in the dark, when it's only 3C outside - and it's raining and blowing - I 'm not in that place at the moment.

Being usually home based, I had been planning to run at lunchtimes - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but since early last week, have not been home at the requisite time to do so. Except on Thursday last week. I did actually manage to get out of the door on Thursday, but managed to get about 400 yards down the road before the double glazing van I had been waiting in for shot past me in the other direction. At least I now know that I can run short distances at a higher pace!

Once I'd had the faulty pane measured up for replacement it was too late to go out again - people to speak to, tasks to complete. The weekend then turned into a dead loss, and I'm sat here blogging on my second train trip to London this week.

I guess this is the perennial runners problem of winter motivation. Too dark. Too cold. My motivation has been exceeded by sheer volume of excuses. The answer, of course is to increase my motivation somehow. Perhaps listening to Steve's Boston 110 again will help. Or just be bloody minded about it and force myself out onto dark and rainy streets. I might actually fond that I like it once I try it!

Anyway, I'm working from home tomorrow, so am planning to get out sometime between 12 and 2, come rain or shine.

Mr Stumble.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Andy ... getting focus in the winter is tough and in some respect you've just got to want to do it. Lots of run in the cold, dark mornings before sun up. I know one thing that keeps me doing it morning after morning is the fact that others seem care what I do (I still don't understand this). The second thing that keeps me going out is my singlular focus on getting through a marathon and living to talk abut it. I've got a plan and I'll be damned if I'm not going to follow the plan.

You might also want to check out Thomas in Ireland. He's running in similar conditions as you ... plus he is always quick with great advice.

Good luck.