Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blogger problems

A few weeks ago, I accepted Blogger's invitation to move across from regular Blogger to BetaBlogger, as I already have a gmail account. "Great," I thought, "integrated identity - fewer passwords."

What could be better?

It turns out that there is a fundamental incompatibility between "old" Blogger and Beta Blogger, which means that I can't automagically be logged in when commenting on "old" Blogger blogs, and if you have an "old" blog account, may not be able log in and comment on mine.

Then again, you just might not be interested enough.

At best, this makes commenting a pesky faff and at worst, just impossible.

Anyway, the problem is discussed here and here. Blogger seems to have torn it's blogging community in two with this bug. What's worse is once you've made the jump to Beta, there's no way back! However, as Google has bought Blogger, Beta is the future and I'm sure they will fix it somehow.

Meanwhile, I'll see if I can open up the comments a bit to allow unauthenticated comments (with word verification). Then perhaps I'll hear from Ann again - who still has that broke Atom feed.

Stumble Admin.

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