Saturday, August 19, 2006

Au revoir!

A short post to say I'm off on my holidays! We're travelling down to Picardy tomorrow and will be there for the best part of 2 weeks.

By necessity (and design) I'll be unplugged from the net for the duration, but hope to provide at least a little entertainment on my return with a few photos and confessions about lazing around.

I am, however, taking the bike and Mr Garmin and fully expect to be cycling to the local boulangerie each morning. I hope I can find one a handy 3-4 miles away to keep me burning off all that croisant and foie gras.

This week's cycling was just Monday and Wednesday, Thursday night we had some friends round and it ended up a pretty late evening, so I guiltily ditched Friday morning.

Monday - Bike 6 miles / 30 minutes
Wednesday - Bike 6 miles / 30 minutes

All the best.

Mr Stumble


Phil said...

Andy ... eat some foie gras pour moi. The real stuff is illegal in US (our government trying to protect us from ourselves). Have a great time on your holiday and remember ... we expect pictures when you get back in two weeks.

Ann Ewbank said...

have a good time!