Sunday, July 16, 2006

Damage Limitation.

As you might have guessed, I didn't run the Sport Relief Mile. I would only have made things worse and taken longer to recover. I hobbled around a bit on Saturday morning, but by lunchtime I was walking fine with only minor discomfort.

Today (Sunday) I can't feel any discomfort when walking, but during a mild jog with my 3 year old in a local store car park, I can feel the calf muscle complaining.

I think stopping as soon as I felt it go on Friday rather than trying to "run through the pain" will have limited the damage, and so I expect to have to wait 10 - 14 days before running again.

In the meantime, I might get back to the pool, or get the bike out so I'll be doing some sort of aerobic exercise in the meantime. Plus RICE!

It's a setback, but I'm determined to continue.

Mr Stumble.


Phil said...

I left my comment on your previous post.

The Evernoter said...


Thanks for your comment. I see the comments wherever they go as they get emailed to me.

I think that if I wasn't blogging, then I would probably have given up by now. It would be so easy to just say "it was never meant to be" and head for the bottom of the Dorritos packet. Mmmmm.

I can understand why runners wouldn't blog. If you don't do it you can't properly understand the potential value, and there may be some who have started and not seen the point.

Me, I'm lucky. I get from you, Ann and other occasional callers like Thomas the support, encouragement and advice that just wouldn't be here for me otherwise.

I owe you all two or three posts a week, so I've got to do something so there are words to type in!

Gonna clear some space in my study to bring my bike up from the shed - easy access being key. The space is full of tiles, tile cutters, grout and paint at the moment, but I've just finished those jobs.....

Summer hols are getting close, so I'll be arranging some excursions to keep D sane. 6 weeks of relentless kids. Nasty :) Camera will be on board.


Thomas said...

I'm back on one of my occasional calls ;-)

Tough Luck with the muscle, but from your description it doesn't sound too bad. Make sure to heal properly before you run again, or it will take a lot longer.

Ann Ewbank said...


Bravo to you for sticking with it. I know how hard it is to keep going through an injury.

I have a nagging calf injury from last summer, along with my lame-o foot. Left foot, right calf. Anyhow, it flares up once in a while. I preventatively ice it- whether it hurts or not. I do deep tissue massage on it. I can literally feel the adhesions- scar tissue-when I do this. As long as I ice and stretch it- by hanging my heel off a step, it doesn't flare up. But I will always have to pay special attention to it.

And, like Phil, I don't stretch a cold muscle. I do 10 minutes stretching after a run. There is a lot of conflicting information out there!

Anyhow, keep it up. You'll get through this and I hope you can hit the roads again soon!