Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Training Plan.

Training Schedule for Stourbridge Stumble.

Having picked a random event that's not far from where I live and appears to be a reasonable time away, I thought a bit of planning might be helpful so I know what I need to do between now and then. It turns out that I've got about 7 weeks from start till the 10K run, and based on the shape I think I'm in, I might have set myself a fairly tough target.

I'm planning 3 runs per week on set days and means that I haven't got long before I'm adding 50% to my run distance, and continuing to increase distance every 3rd run. This is more than the recommended 10% increase per week.

I guess I may be adjusting this schedule over time, but at least I have a structure to base my running programme around, and I'll know if I am ahead or behind target.

Mr. Stumble
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